2008年3月4日 星期二

Treasure Hunt-google

1. Question: How to get a good job?
2. Keyword: How to get a good job
3. Search Engine: google
4. Answer:

1. Make looking for work a full time job.
2. Analyze yourself. Write two lists.
3. Review the opportunities.
4. Decide on a career field.
5. Write a resume.
6. Get your wardrobe in order (power suit, shined shoes, etc.).
7. Develop your personal elevator pitch.
8. Research companies, agencies, organizations or non-profits that could or will meet your needs and create a list.
9. Apply for jobs that match your needs.
10. Cold call. Locate a specific person who can help you (usually the human resources or hiring manager at a company or organization you're interested in).
11. Show up at interviews with a good attitude, eagerness to work, and an eagerness to learn.

This week, I learned " A Historical Call" and "Three Phases of Call". Three Phases of Call is including "Behavioristic Call", Communicative Call, and Integrative Call. I understoon there are many ways in the use of technology in language learning classrooms. The general way was from a behaviorally based computer as a teaching machine to the use of computers as communication devices.

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After you searched the answer you wanted, I hope that you'll find a great job as soon as you give birth to a healthy baby :-)