2008年4月15日 星期二

Software Evaluation

This week I presented my Call-software evaluation in class. Before doing this work, I had collected, and searched a lot of information from the materials, and Studio Classroom-Advanced. I felt this was a very hard assignment, since I never did this evaluation before. On the other hand, since I have studied in English, this media has been companied me for a long time which motivate me to know and understand this software. After the evaluation, I found the media there are some points need to improve them. From the presentation, the professor gave us some advice that our content's element is enough but our criteria part is too weak to convince the audience. So next week, I need to work hard to integrate our whole material to finish our work, Call-software evaluation.

I choose Internet Activities, WebQuests, for my software evaluation.

2008年4月1日 星期二

Criteria for CALL

Today I learned the Principles for CALL evaluatio. I agree that criteria should be accompanied by guidance and be applied in view of the purpose of the task. Teacher introduced us the Criteria for CALL task appropriateness. There are 6 items- Language learning potential, Learner fit, Meaning focus, Authenticity, Positive impact, Practicality. I think which is good for us to do the criteria. The Magazine-Studio Classroom Advanced is my critized item. So I expected I can do a good Criteria on this well-know Magazine.

2008年3月30日 星期日


3/19 日翁老師教了我們關於audio軟体的使用, 老師非常有耐心的將每個步驟清楚地教給我們,在 操作上節省了許多不必要的步驟, 相當容易安裝和使用. Acdacity是個方便安裝的軟體, 錄起來的音質效果很清晰, 希望在未來要交的作業上, 可以來好好使用.      

2008年3月11日 星期二

1.What are three phrases of the Call?

(1)Behavioristic Call

The first phase of CALL, conceived in the 1950s and implemented in the 1960s and '70s, was based on the then-dominant behaviorist theories of learning. Programs of this phase entailed repetitive language drills and can be referred to as "drill and practice".

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, behavioristic CALL was undermined by two important factors. First, behavioristic approaches to language learning had been rejected at both the theoretical and pedagogical level. Secondly, the introduction of the microcomputer allowed a whole new range of possibilities. The stage was set for a new phase of CALL.

(2)Communicative CALL

The second phase of CALL was based on the communicative approach to teaching which became prominent in the 1970s and 80s. Proponents of this approach felt that the drill and practice programs of the previous decade did not allow enough authentic communication to be of much value.

(3)Integrative CALL: Multimedia

Integrative approaches to CALL are based on two important technological developments of the last decade--multimedia computers and the Internet. Multimedia technology--exemplified today by the CD-ROM--allows a variety of media to be accessed on a single machine. What makes multimedia even more powerful is that it also entail shypermedia. That means that the multimedia resources are all linked together and that learners can navigate their own path simply by pointing and clicking a mouse.

What role do computers play in each phrases?

Behavioristic Call:
Computer as Tutor, serving mainly as vehicle for delivering instructional materials. This stimulus-response model provided sequential instruction with feedback, frequent reinforce ment, bracning, and self-pacing.

Communicative Call:
-The computer is used for skill practice, but in a non-drill format and with a greater degree of student choice, control and interaction.
-The computer is used to stimulate discussion, writing or critical thinking.
-The computer is used as a tool or workhose such as word-processors, spelling and grammar checkers, and concordancers.

Integrative Call: Computer as Tool, just as the word processors had so perfectly meshed with the changing paradigm in writing from an emphasis on product to process, Internet resources and CD-ROM databases as well as simulation and authoring software ideally supported content and task-based instruction.

Please write down the classification of the use of computer technologies in language learning and teaching: a metaphorial approach by Warschauer.

2. Visit Warschauer's Homepage for his contribution to CALL

Dr. Warschauer's research focuses on the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in schools and community centers; the impact of ICT on language and literacy practices; and the relationship of ICT to institutional reform, democracy, and social development (see some of his recent papers on these topics.) His most recent book, Laptops and Literacy: Learning in the Wireless Classroom, was published by Teachers College Press in 2006. His previous books have focused on the development of new electronic literacies among culturally and linguistically diverse students; on technology, equity, and social inclusion; and on the role of ICT in second language learning and teaching. He is now engaged in a research project on technology, human development, and out-of-school learning.Dr. Warschauer is former editor of Language Learning & Technology journal and founder of the Papyrus News blog. Dr. Warschauer's personal interests include bicycling, swimming, and, of course, his family.

Technology, Out-of-School Learning and Human Development
This study, launched in 2006 with Deborah Vandell, is examining learning and human development in technology intensive, community learning center in Southern California. Check back for further details later.
Laptops and Literacy:Pervasive Computing in US Schools
This study, launched in the 2003-04 academic year, is investigating the use of laptop computing and wireless networking in US schools. Case study research has been conducted on students who use laptops at home and throughout the school day in ten public schools, including students from diverse cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic backgrounds. The project investigates the types of literacy practices that students engage in using the laptops both at school and at home. A book on the research, Laptops and Literacy: Learning in the Wireless Classroom, has been published, as have several papers.
Expanding Engineering Thinking:Interactive Visualization of Numerical Models
This 2002-2005 project, with funding from the National Science Foundation, established and investigated a high-tech classroom in the UCI School of Engineering for fostering visualization among engineering and computer science students. The classroom includes both a state-of-the-art smartboard that automatically translates formulas into graphs, and a virtual reality laboratory that allows three-dimensional modeling. For a more technical description, see the project Webpage.
Technology and Academic Preparation:A Comparative Study

This 2001-2002 study, funded by UC NEXUS and UC ACCORD, is aimed at documenting and comparaing the availability of, access to and uses of new technologies in diverse high schools of Southern California. Two sets of high schools were included in the study, a set of five high schools in low socio-economic status neighborhoods with relatively low academic achievement, and a set of three high schools in wealthier communities with higher academic achievement.

3. p18, author mentions the use of online chat in NASA space project to enhance communication skills.

Ms. Lujan-Pincomb's techno-pro students ahd participated in on-line chats with astronauts as part of a NASA space project and thus understand the power of using technology to communicate with experts. They wanted to set up similar experiences for the new students they were tutoring. Ms. Mercado's college students were expanding their community of learniners from one of their own classmates and teacher to that of an international community that included peers in Mexic .

Technology supports collaborative learning and the development of communities of learners in which members view themselves as part of a larger group that is dedicated to developing knowledge in particular fields. Through the Internet, students can establish ties to other students in schools around the world or participate in chat rooms or on-line discussions with experts on subjects of interest to them.

What do I learn in this class?

Today, I do very hard in searching information from the text book, reference article and website. At the beginning, I feel very hard to find the answer but after teacher's introduction, I suddently realize much about how to answer these questions.

Three phases of CALL has developed gradually over 40 years. Recently, computers have become so wide spread in schools and homes. I think about if I want to be a language teacher I shall study hard in using computer software.

2008年3月4日 星期二

Treasure Hunt-google

1. Question: How to get a good job?
2. Keyword: How to get a good job
3. Search Engine: google
4. Answer:

1. Make looking for work a full time job.
2. Analyze yourself. Write two lists.
3. Review the opportunities.
4. Decide on a career field.
5. Write a resume.
6. Get your wardrobe in order (power suit, shined shoes, etc.).
7. Develop your personal elevator pitch.
8. Research companies, agencies, organizations or non-profits that could or will meet your needs and create a list.
9. Apply for jobs that match your needs.
10. Cold call. Locate a specific person who can help you (usually the human resources or hiring manager at a company or organization you're interested in).
11. Show up at interviews with a good attitude, eagerness to work, and an eagerness to learn.

This week, I learned " A Historical Call" and "Three Phases of Call". Three Phases of Call is including "Behavioristic Call", Communicative Call, and Integrative Call. I understoon there are many ways in the use of technology in language learning classrooms. The general way was from a behaviorally based computer as a teaching machine to the use of computers as communication devices.

2008年2月26日 星期二

Today, I learn about Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching. Professor Josephine is a very nice teacher. In class, she has introduced this semester's syllabus to us. This is a very newly course for me because I never learn before and be little afraid on using computer tools. But, I still feel very exciting and interesting on this couse because I believe this course will help me to understand computer technology how to be applied in language learing and teaching, evaluate language learing software and websites, and which can create our own multimedia for the future teaching. I give high expection and decide to study hard in this course.